Perhaps you are in the thick of parenting, and want to articulate your family values and create a values-based approach to family life. Maybe you are deciding whether you want to bring kids into this world and what that might look like. You might be at midlife and want to embrace the changes instead of the cultural norms of anti-aging or crisis. Or, you could be in your later years and want to explore ways to be an elder and find comfort and stability amidst all the changes happening around you.
You could be working a recovery program and looking to explore what a higher power means to you. Perhaps you are struggling with your religious identity. You may feel like there’s art inside you but don’t know how to let yourself be creative. These are all portals, calling you to deeper meaning, a bigger purpose, and greater fulfillment. I have no agenda but being midwife to the birth of your highest calling. Viviam Pomeroy said, “May we encourage the secret struggle of every person.” Whatever your secret struggle is, I am here to companion you with presence, attentive listening, and curiosity.
One-on-one spiritual companionship is a practice that is thousands of years old. Together, we create a sacred space that offers: care for the soul, exploration of spiritual life, and the peace and luminosity that comes from remembering our inherent wholeness. With spiritual care, we reorient ourselves and begin at the center.
We often talk about ourselves as made up of body, mind, and soul. It is common to care for our bodies and minds. In spiritual direction you learn how to care for the soul. When body, mind, and soul are cared for and integrated, we can show up more fully to our lives.
We walk the path of growth together because although only you can do it, you can’t do it alone. I will not try to fix, save, or even tell you what I would do. In spiritual direction, we create space for you to listen to your own wise, quiet, sacred self.
I am a lawyer, yoga teacher, mediator (and meditator), wife of a trial lawyer, and mom to three school-age kids. I am anxious, wounded, and flawed and because of this I can sit beside you. I live in the real world, and I also know there’s another world and it’s within this one. I show up best and fulfill the purpose of my life when I weave my spiritual and profane lives together so tightly they can’t be differentiated. The development of a rich interior life and all the wisdom that flows from it creates a steady baseline and is a balm for our externally-focused, fractured, and chaotic time.
Yes! I’m ready to invest time, energy, and money into developing my spiritual life!
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I honor and work with people who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC); who are transgender, nonbinary and queer; who have a disability; and all who experience marginalization and oppression.